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Year 9


We recognise the importance of the decisions that students need to make in their transition from Year 9 into Key Stage 4. While for many young people a career may seem a distant prospect, decisions they make about education and training now may affect their options later on. It is important that they make choices that keep the broadest possible range of future career options open and CEIAG in Year 9 aims to help students through this process. Further advice and information about choices at 14 can be found on various websites including: Which University and Career Pilot. 'A brief guide for parents' on the new GCSE grades may also be of interest.  Students are also introduced to Gameplan which is a free games-based website that allows 9-14 year olds and their parents to explore university.   

Students are encouraged to talk to the following people before they decide on their option choices:

  • Parents or carers; they will have made similar decisions of their own in the past, and will be able to advise.
  • Teachers; they will tell students whether they think their subject is suitable for them, and they can answer any questions they might have.
  • Older students, who are already doing courses that they might be interested in; they will know exactly what each subject is like.
  • Tutors; they will be able to give them unbiased advice.


Students are given support to help them choose their GCSE Options.  This includes sessions run by our independent and impartial Careers Advisor to help students identify the information they need to gather to enable them to make an informed choice about which subjects to study at GCSE.  


Every students meets with either their Tutor, Head of Year of a member of the Leadership Team to discuss their GCSE options.

Students also meet with Year 10 students who are studying the various option subjects. This takes place in a 'fair' setting and gives students the opportunity to talk to students already studying the subjects at GCSE Level. Students are also able to take away 'student friendly' information leaflets on individual subjects.

Parents are invited to the Options Evening where they get the opportunity to discuss their daughters progress in individual subjects and taking the subject at GCSE. Parents are also given further information on the Options process. Option booklets are sent home.

Students and parents are invited to attend a Careers Fair, where students get the opportunity to attend presentations on various careers of their choosing. Sessions are led by ex-students, employers and parents, each giving an outline of the career that they are representing, information on current entry routes and the route they took to achieve their current position and some ideas of the challenges involved in that role and the skills needed to be successful.  The aim of the fair is to open students' eyes to the wide range of career and volunteering opportunities available to them in as many different fields as possible and also to show how exciting careers in these areas can be.

Research shows that learning in school becomes more effective and relevant if students can see where their education might lead them in the future. With this in mind students take part in ‘Take your Daughter to Work Day’. This is a fun and fascinating way to explore the world of work, think about career options, and make informed educational decisions. It gives students an opportunity to explore career options, through:

  • Understanding the importance of staying in school by learning first-hand what skills are required in today’s workplace
  • Thinking about what aspects of their “work day” they liked and what they didn’t
  • Exploring career options in a practical way and gaining a better understanding of just how many career choices are open to them
  • By spending a day in the life of a working adult, they develop an appreciation of their parents’ work and motivation


Students are also able to self-refer to meet with our independent and impartial Careers Advisor by emailing Mrs Suvari who is the School Careers Leader within school.  They have the opportunity to discuss how their GCSE choices fit into their longer-term career plans and the advisor will also equip students with the tools to make informed decisions and choices.

Students are also reminded how to access the school's Careers Library and Careers website on Frog. Both provide access to impartial and independent information about a wide range of careers, education and training options and students are encouraged to carry out further independent research and exploration.

To see what your child's typical CEIAG journey may look like whilst at Nonsuch please see our CEIAG Programme