School statement against racism
Our community at Nonsuch is based on an ethos of mutual respect and consideration. Respect is one of our core values, aiming to provide a safe and happy learning environment for all.
As a school we have always pledged to fight racism as well as champion inclusivity and equality in our school and community through education.
We are unequivocal – racism cannot be tolerated at Nonsuch. We are proud of our richly diverse community. The school exists to empower and educate its community against hate crime and injustice and to counter all forms of hate crime – including racism both casual and blatant and to seek to better ourselves in that cause.
We must ensure that our school is as actively anti-racist as it is supportive of issues of climate change, gender equality and sexual identity. We will further equip our staff and students with the knowledge and understanding to achieve this so that those who feel they have experienced any form of racism can feel confident to come forward so that we can address the issues.
We will be talking to our current students and staff about this and welcome discussions with any alumna who would like to contribute to our strategy.
As educators, we have a responsibility to educate ourselves so that we can ensure future generations understand our shared history, difference and diversity.
Here are some links to petitions and education regarding active anti-racism:
As a community we stand united as allies to all who feel they have not been equally valued in society.
Ms Amy Cavilla