Key Stage 5 - Intent & Overview
KS5 Curriculum Intent:
Our KS5 curriculum provides specialisation, depth and skills to equip our students to be successful in the 21st century. Our curriculum aims to stimulate our students intellectually through engendering a spirit of scholarship and enquiry. It develops in our students the ability to assess the validity and appropriateness of sources in an information-rich, global society. Students take increasing responsibility for their own learning by reflecting on and responding to assessment and feedback and engaging in wider reading and research. This builds on habits developed in prior key stages. High expectations are set by demonstrating belief in everyone’s ability to achieve.
Our elective programme and enrichment afternoon provide students with experiences which will facilitate further study and develop students into well-rounded individuals. At the heart of our tutorial programme is the objective to nurture our students’ personal, social, moral and cultural development through debate, community outreach, fundraising and peer education talks. Extensive extracurricular opportunities develop self-confidence and foster a sense of school community. As a girls only sixth form our students are empowered to take on lead roles and to make choices that are free from stereotypical bias.
Excellent careers and guidance prepare students for Higher Education, and a variety of pathways including apprenticeships. It not only prepares them for life beyond sixth form but ensures they leave with the belief that they are arbiters of their own destinies.
KS5 Curriculum 2023-25
Please click on the link below to view our Sixth Form Course Prospectus and our A-level Subject Courses for 2023-25.
If you have any queries about our curriculum, please email Miss Wright (Deputy Headteacher) on