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Key Stage 3 - Intent & Overview

KS3 Curriculum Intent:


KS3 provides the bedrock of knowledge for success at KS4.   It aims to address gaps in knowledge from KS2 into KS3 and to deepen students’ knowledge in specialist subject areas.  In addition to the core subjects and Humanities and Arts, students study separate sciences from Year 8 and are introduced to a modern foreign language as well as Latin in Year 7 and then another language in Year 8.  This exposure to language develops students’ grammatical literacy. Through all subjects, students are provided with opportunities to develop their research and analytical skills and to articulate their opinions coherently and confidently.

Through assemblies and the pastoral and academic curricula we promote the values underpinning British society including equality and diversity.  Students are taught about the importance of good mental and physical health including relationships and sex education as well as environmental awareness and how to be positive members of the community both locally and globally.   Extensive extracurricular opportunities in all areas help to foster a strong sense of community, identity and well-being.


KS3 Curriculum Overview:

Students in Years 7 to 9 follow the Nonsuch Key Stage 3 curriculum, Latin and have the option to study either French, German or Spanish.  In PE, which is taught for two hours per week, activities include athletics, dance, gymnastics, hockey, netball, rounders, volleyball, tennis and swimming.

Technology incorporates food, resistant materials and textiles.   Computing is taught in separate lessons as well as I.T. being used across the curriculum.

Classes are mainly taught in tutor groups with smaller numbers in Technology and some setting by ability in Mathematics from Year 8 and Science from Year 9.

Ample guidance during the spring term of Year 9 is available as students begin to make their choices for their GCSE subjects.

If you have any queries about our curriculum, please email Miss Wright (Deputy Headteacher) on