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Assessment (student progress & reporting)

We aim to keep parents informed about their daughter's progress in a variety of ways.  In each year group there will be a minimum of two progress reports and one Parent Teacher Consultation meeting.  Key dates for assessment and reporting are highlighted in the year group specific booklets below.   You will receive each report by email and be notified that they have been sent in the weekly email (sent on a Friday).

We operate an online booking system for Parents’ Evenings.  The information as to how to do this will be emailed to you approximately two weeks prior to the event and the weekly email will prompt you to check your emails.   Appointments will open a few days after this to give everyone a chance to download the instructions.   It is a simple procedure once you have signed in.

There are also dedicated Information Evenings for specific year groups regarding the Curriculum, Pastoral Care and Subject Options, alongside tutor consultation days when you can meet with your child's tutor in person to discuss her well-being and involvement in the school community. 


2023-24 Reporting and Assessment Guidance for Parents
Years 7, 8 & 9 Year 10 Year 11 Years 12 & 13



Y12 & Y13 Reporting & Assessment