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PLEASE NOTE:  This section of the website is currently under construction. 

Thank you for taking the time to visit the Nonsuch Alumnae area of our website. We are keen to foster a vibrant and active alumnae community and need your participation to achieve this.  As a former student of the school, you are automatically invited to be part of an active network of former students worldwide alongside some notable alumnae.
We aim to:

  • Create an extensive and effective network of alumnae 
  • Reconnect you with former colleagues and develop new relationships at social events
  • Keep you up-to-date with the latest school and alumnae news via the Alumnae Newsletter
  • Invite you to share your experiences to inspire today’s students
  • Invite you to alumnae reunion dinners & events

Our community at Nonsuch is based on an ethos of mutual respect and consideration. Respect is one of our core values, aiming to provide a safe and happy learning environment for all. As a school, we have always pledged to fight racism as well as champion inclusivity and equality in our school and community through education. To see our full Statement Against Racism please click here.

Join the Alumnae today to make the most of your alumnae status. 

Please click here to complete our online form.

If you would like us to update your details or have any news items that you would like to share with us, please email: